Durham Spay Neuter Faq

Spay & Neuter FAQ from our Durham Veterinarian New Hope Animal Hospital, Chapel Hill Veterinarian in Durham does Spay or Neuter for cats & dogs. sterilization procedures reduce possibility illnesses

Our Durham vet would like to help you make the decision to spay or neuter your pet by answering a few of the common questions we receive from our pet owners.

How old does my puppy or kitten need to be for a spay or neuter surgery at your animal hospital?

Your puppy or kitten needs to weigh at least two pounds and be at least two months old at the time of the surgery. If you are uncertain as to whether your pet is old enough to be sterilized, our vet can perform an examination and tell you if your pet is ready to be spayed or neutered.

Will spaying or neutering my pet change his or her personality?

Spaying or neutering your pet will not change his or her personality. It may, however, improve your pet’s behavior. Male pets may have a reduced desire to escape your home or vehicle to find a mate, and they may display less aggression. Female pets won’t yowl or make noise to attract a mate. Male and female pets will also have a reduced desire to mark their territory.

What happens during a spay surgery?

Your female pet will be given anesthesia so that she will sleep during the surgery. Then, our vet will completely remove her ovaries and uterus and stitch the wound closed. After the surgery, your pet will be given some time to wake up, and we will check your pet’s vitals before releasing your pet to you.

What happens during a neuter surgery?

Your male pet will be given some anesthesia via a face mask. Once your pet is ready, our veterinarian will make a small incision in your pet’s scrotum and remove the testicles. A couple stitches will be used to close the wound and your pet will be given time to recover before going home to rest and heal.

How long do sterilization surgeries last at your animal hospital, serving Durham and Chapel Hill?

Spay and neuter surgeries at our animal hospital, serving Durham and Chapel Hill, do not typically last very long. Neuter surgeries are extremely short and can be accomplished within a few minutes. Spay surgeries can last between 30 and 90 minutes depending on the age and breed of your pet. Female pets that are in heat or pregnant when they are spayed will require more time.

How long will it take for my pet to recover?

It will take about 14 days for your pet to fully recover from the sterilization surgery. During your pet’s recovery, you will be asked to check his or her incision twice a day and limit your pet’s activity so that he or she does not accidentally cause damage to the incision.

How do I schedule an appointment for a pet sterilization surgery with your veterinarian?

You can schedule your pet’s appointment for a spay or neuter surgery by calling our animal hospital at (919) 490-2000.

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