Flea & Tick FAQs

Flea And Tick FAQ For Chapel Hill And Durham Pet Owners

fleas FAQ

Fleas and ticks are obviously a vexing problem -- but what can Chapel Hill and Durham pet owners do about them? Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about these potentially dangerous pests from New Hope Animal Hospital.

  • Where are these fleas and ticks coming from? Fleas and ticks like warm weather, but they also like shade and a certain degree of humidity. This means that they prefer to gather in tall grasses, shrubs, under doghouses and other hospitable areas in your yard or garden. Fleas are passed easily from animal to animal, and may even travel into your home on your clothing.
  • Aren't fleas and ticks just a summertime problem? Fleas and ticks breed and grow in temperate environments -- but in this era of modern climate control, that temperate environment could easily include your home. In North Carolina, winter is generally so mild that fleas and ticks are able to survive. It's wiser to regard fleas and ticks as a year-round threat to your pet's health and comfort.
  • What makes flea and tick bites itch? Many pets are allergic to the substances in flea or tick saliva. This causes allergic dermatitis in the bitten skin, with symptoms that include itchy sores or bumps. Pets that chew or lick these itchy lesions can make matters worse by damaging the skin, allowing bacteria to infect it.
  • Can blood loss from multiple bites be dangerous? In extreme cases, massive flea infestations can actually create serious or fatal anemia due to severe blood loss in small, young, geriatric or chronically ill pets.
  • What other health problems can be caused by fleas? Fleas have earned a place in infamy for spreading the bubonic plague. They can also transmit cat scratch disease, haemobartenellosis, tapeworms and other health threats.
  • What diseases do ticks transmit to pets? Like fleas, ticks are capable of transmitting a number of serious diseases. These include Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis (dog tick fever).
  • How can I reduce the flea and tick population in and around my home? Vacuum your home thoroughly on a regular basis, making sure to dispose of the vacuum bag after every cleaning. Keep your lawn trimmed short so fleas and ticks won't have a hospitable outdoor environment in which to lurk. If you have a flea problem, contact our office for advice.
  • How can your veterinary hospital resolve my pet's infestation? If your pet is suffering from an infestation, our vet hospital can come to the rescue by prescribing safe, medically effective insecticidal treatment. Your veterinarian can also administer medicines to relieve the itching caused by dermatitis.
  • How can my veterinarian protect my pet against future infestations? Your veterinarian can provide several different options for pest prevention in the form of monthly oral drugs, topical preventatives or long-lasting flea/tick collars. We can help you determine which method will work best for you and your pet as an ongoing pest prevention program.

Need a Vet to Protect Your Pet?

Solve your flea and tick puzzle decisively with the aid of your Chapel Hill and Durham vet. Call (919) 490-2000 to arrange for ongoing pest prevention!

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