Cat Allergy Treatment

Cat Allergy Treatment

Similarly to humans, pets can suffer from allergic reactions to substances in their environment. Whether your cat sneezes and has itchy eyes from dust or vomiting and diarrhea from a specific food ingredient, diagnosis and treatment from your veterinarian near you are crucial for keeping your cat happy and healthy. New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC, is here to tell you about cat allergies and how we can treat them.

Pet Allergies

Frequent Causes of Allergies in Cats

Cats can experience allergy symptoms due to several substances in their environment. Some of the most frequent causes of allergies in cats include the following:

•             Flea bites

•             Food ingredients, like beef or dairy

•             Environmental or atopic dermatitis from dust, mold, and pollen

•             Perfume and household cleaners

•             Contact allergies

Common Symptoms to Watch Out For

Your cat’s symptoms will vary based on the allergen causing its reaction. For example, an allergic reaction to a specific food ingredient frequently results in vomiting or diarrhea. Some of the most common symptoms of allergies to watch for include:

•             Itchiness and excessive scratching, rubbing, or licking

•             Hair loss

•             Sneezing

•             Eye or nasal discharge

•             Wheezing or coughing

•             Rashes

•             Allergic bronchitis or asthma

Ways We Treat Cat Allergies

The first step toward treating your cat’s allergies is determining the allergen causing its symptoms. Our veterinary clinic offers skin and blood tests to identify your cat’s allergens. However, food allergies often require an elimination diet to isolate the problem ingredients. This involves slowly adjusting your cat’s diet over multiple weeks to determine which ingredient affects your cat.

Once our veterinarians identify the cause of your cat’s allergies, we can prescribe medication to ease its symptoms. These may include anti-itch medications to control inflammation or antihistamines for respiratory symptoms. We can alleviate flea allergies with flea prevention and topical therapy. Immunotherapy is another way to treat your cat’s allergies. This involves allergy shots that teach your cat’s immune system to build a tolerance against specific allergens.

How You Can Prevent Allergy Symptoms in Your Cat

You can take several steps to limit your cat’s exposure to known allergens. Year-round flea prevention is essential for eliminating your cat’s risk of flea allergies. Dietary changes help prevent allergic reactions to food ingredients. Regular cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting can reduce the risk of your cat experiencing environmental allergy symptoms.

Protect Your Cat’s Well-Being With Allergy Treatment at New Hope Animal Hospital

If your cat is suffering from allergies and you need treatment from a “veterinarian near you,” look no further than New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC. We can identify the allergen affecting your cat and provide treatment to help it feel its best again, so call us and schedule an appointment at our veterinary clinic today at (919) 490-2000.

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