Dental Cleaning

Dental Cleaning

Ensuring your dog or cat has routine dental cleaning sessions is important for their health. If your pet is suffering from any type of oral hygiene issue, if they have a difficulty with a broken tooth, or if they need a dental cleaning, our Durham veterinarian at New Hope Animal Hospital can help. Read on to learn why dental cleaning sessions are important, how to care for your pet's teeth at home, and what our vet can do to help. 

teeth brushing

Why Pet Dental Cleanings Are Important

If you do not bring your dog or cat to a vet for routine dental cleaning procedures, there is a chance their health will deteriorate. Infected teeth can lead to pain and discomfort as well as medical risks to your pet. Cleaning the teeth removes bacteria and helps prevent the buildup of tartar and plaque. If the teeth are ignored, bacteria will end up under a pet's gumline. This causes inflammation of the gums and pain. Eventually, gingivitis followed by periodontal disease occurs. This leads to tooth loss.

How to Clean Your Pet's Teeth at Home

In addition to vet visits, it is important to tend to your cat or dog's teeth at home. Purchase a pet toothbrush and paste for the job. Place a dab of the paste on the brush and whisk it across your pet's teeth each day to remove bacteria. If your pet is not receptive to the process, you may have to switch toothpaste brands until you find a flavor they enjoy. After several attempts, your pet may allow you to brush more than a tooth or two. Alternately, use pet dental wipes to remove debris from the teeth. Tartar control treats will also help to keep your pet's teeth clean.

What Our Vet Will Do to Help

It is important that you bring your dog or cat to our vet anytime you suspect they are having a dental issue. Our veterinarian will assess your pet's condition and make recommendations regarding treatment. This may include tooth removal, cleaning, or medication. In addition to emergency care, our vet is available to conduct dental cleaning sessions. These are provided during yearly examinations, but can also be scheduled in between routine visits if necessary. Our vet will evaluate the condition of your pet's teeth and gums and use the proper tools to remove tartar buildup effectively and safely.

If your dog or cat requires dental assistance, contact New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham to make an appointment with our veterinarian. To find out more about the services we provide, or to make an appointment for a dental cleaning, call our office at (919) 490-2000 to speak to our vet.

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