Mass Removal

Mass Removal at an Emergency Animal Hospital in Chapel Hill

mass removal

Usually people notice new masses while petting their cat or dog. While skin and subcutaneous masses are usually benign, some are malignant and all new masses should be investigated.

Lumps are not usually a medical emergency. Just to be sure though, you should bring your pet to the vet for an evaluation as soon as possible.

Tumors and Masses That May Require Surgery

If a mass or tumor is determined to be benign, the veterinarian may suggest just monitoring for growth. In the case of malignant tumors, surgery is often the recommended treatment. Here are several such tumors and masses to be aware of:

  • Papillomavirus tumors, which, although benign, may cause discomfort.
  • Lymphoma, which can lead to swollen lymph nodes, coughing, a lack of appetite, and lethargy.
  • Melanoma, which is often dark brown or black in color and can cause pain and swelling.
  • Hemangiosarcoma, which targets the blood vessels. If present in the spleen, rupturing can occur, which is considered a medical emergency.
  • Histiocytoma, which damages the immune system. These are more common in dogs than cats. If you have a Chinese Sharpei, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Greyhound, Scottish Terrier, or English Bulldog, be especially proactive.
  • Osteosarcoma, which often presents in the extremities. This bone cancer may lead to limping.
  • Lipomas, which are classified as fatty tumors. These benign tumors are quite common in dogs.
  • Mast cell tumors, which lead to itchiness and skin redness in animals.

Call (919) 490-2000 today!

What to Expect During Mass Removal

Pets are anesthetized for mass removal surgery. During the procedure itself, the surgeon and anesthetist will monitor oxygen saturation with pulse oximetry, blood pressure, breathing rate, respiratory rate, heart rate, and body temperature.

The surgeon may use electrocautery to remove the tumor. The incision line will be closed with sutures, which, often in multiple layers. The suture may be absorbable or non-absorbable.

The excised tissue is routinely submitted to a reference diagnostic laboratory for evaluation by a boarded clinical pathologist. Further treatment recommendations are made based on the histopathologic evaluation.

Post-Operative Care

Once your pet is out of surgery, it’s normal for them to be a bit groggy and slow for a day or two. If your cat or dog seems to be in pain, call your vet. They may be able to prescribe a treatment to reduce the pain.

It’s crucial to follow the recommendations of your veterinarian and surgeon to make sure your pet heals and recovers as quickly as possible after the lump removal surgery. That includes giving the pet somewhere to rest, having them use an Elizabethan collar if necessary, and preventing them from taking vigorous walks, running, jumping, or playing after the procedure.

About New Hope Animal Hospital, Your Durham Veterinarian

Do you need an emergency animal hospital in Chapel Hill for mass removal surgery? If so, come see us at New Hope Animal Hospital. As your Durham veterinarian, we will do everything we can to take care of your dog or cat, including wellness examinations, vaccines, senior pet care, emergency and routine surgeries, pet dental care, emergency services, and pet boarding. 

Let our Durham veterinarian examine your pet’s mass. Call us at (919) 490-2000 or visit us at New Hope Animal Hospital on 5016 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard.

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