Why Microchipping Is Important

Many pet owners’ biggest fear is losing their animal. It is important to take measures to avoid this. One of these is pet microchipping. Microchipping increases the chances of reuniting with a lost pet. At New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC, our veterinarian provides pet microchipping. We will guide you on the process and answer any questions you have. Here are just some of the reasons why pet microchipping is so important.

Increases the Chances of Reuniting with Your Pet 

There are many reasons why your pet could go missing. It could be confusion of a new home or being chased by other animals, only to end up in unfamiliar territories. Whatever the reason, there is a higher chance of finding your pet if it is microchipped.

A Microchip Causes Little Discomfort

You have nothing to fear about microchipping. This process is safe and only takes a few minutes. Your pet might flinch as the microchip is being inserted, but it does not cause any harm to your animal.

Provides Proof of Ownership

If your pet gets lost, it is possible that it may get stolen. If you suspect someone has stolen your pet, scanning a microchip can quickly reveal the rightful owner.

It’s a Lifetime Deal

Once a microchip is inserted, you don’t have to redo the procedure again. Unlike tags and collars that can be lost, a microchip is inserted for life.

Peace of Mind

Pet microchips have an ID connected to your contact information. When the chip is scanned by a vet or shelter employee, your information will come up and you will be contacted. This can give you peace of mind if your animal ever gets lost.

Visit Our Veterinarian in Durham, NC for Pet Microchipping

Microchipping is a great way to keep your pet safe and protected. At New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC, our vet provides microchipping and a variety of other preventative care services. We want to keep your pet safe and happy. Our team is happy to answer any questions you have. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Many pet owners’ biggest fear is losing their animal. It is important to take measures to avoid this. One of these is pet microchipping. Microchipping increases the chances of reuniting with a lost pet. At New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC, our veterinarian provides pet microchipping. We will guide you on the process and answer any questions you have. Here are just some of the reasons why pet microchipping is so important.

Increases the Chances of Reuniting with Your Pet 

There are many reasons why your pet could go missing. It could be confusion of a new home or being chased by other animals, only to end up in unfamiliar territories. Whatever the reason, there is a higher chance of finding your pet if it is microchipped.

A Microchip Causes Little Discomfort

You have nothing to fear about microchipping. This process is safe and only takes a few minutes. Your pet might flinch as the microchip is being inserted, but it does not cause any harm to your animal.

Provides Proof of Ownership

If your pet gets lost, it is possible that it may get stolen. If you suspect someone has stolen your pet, scanning a microchip can quickly reveal the rightful owner.

It’s a Lifetime Deal

Once a microchip is inserted, you don’t have to redo the procedure again. Unlike tags and collars that can be lost, a microchip is inserted for life.

Peace of Mind

Pet microchips have an ID connected to your contact information. When the chip is scanned by a vet or shelter employee, your information will come up and you will be contacted. This can give you peace of mind if your animal ever gets lost.

Visit Our Veterinarian in Durham, NC for Pet Microchipping

Microchipping is a great way to keep your pet safe and protected. At New Hope Animal Hospital in Durham, NC, our vet provides microchipping and a variety of other preventative care services. We want to keep your pet safe and happy. Our team is happy to answer any questions you have. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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