What You Need to Know About Spaying and Neutering

What You Need to Know about Spaying and Neutering

Many pet owners in and around Durham, NC, have their pets spayed or neutered, and many of those pet owners shared the same questions and concerns you do now. Should you get your pet neutered? What should you expect? The good news is we at New Hope Animal Hospital can help.

If you are looking for a veterinarian near you, then look no further than our caring, pet-loving, and professional team at New Hope Animal Hospital. We are your local vet for all your pet care needs, including spaying and neutering.

Common Questions about Spaying and NeuterIng

There are a few common questions pet owners might share when it comes to spaying or neutering their pets. Here is a look at what you should probably want to know, before, during, and after the procedure.

Is It Safe?

In a word, yes. Like any surgical procedure, it isn't without risk but our veterinarians will help ensure a safe and seamless process.

How Do I Care for My Pet Afterward?

A small amount aftercare is required following having your pet spayed or neutered. In the initial day after the procedure, don't worry about your pet eating or drinking and be sure to keep him in a comfortable, quiet, and clean area. Last, but not least, be sure to keep an eye on the incision for redness or swelling - and don't allow him to lick the incision site.

Will My Pet Be Different after Spaying or Neutering?

Yes, and no. Yes, your pet will be less aggressive and impulsive, but no, his general personality will not change. In many cases, there will be an adjustment period, but in general, the biggest difference is your pet will go from being more wild to being more domesticated.

Get Spaying, Neutering, and Vet Care from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital

If you are a pet owner and live in the Durham, NC, area, our pet-friendly and professional staff at the New Hope Animal Hospital can help with your pet care concerns. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment today. Call us at (919) 490-2000 for spaying, neutering, and vet care from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital.

What You Need to Know about Spaying and Neutering

Many pet owners in and around Durham, NC, have their pets spayed or neutered, and many of those pet owners shared the same questions and concerns you do now. Should you get your pet neutered? What should you expect? The good news is we at New Hope Animal Hospital can help.

If you are looking for a veterinarian near you, then look no further than our caring, pet-loving, and professional team at New Hope Animal Hospital. We are your local vet for all your pet care needs, including spaying and neutering.

Common Questions about Spaying and NeuterIng

There are a few common questions pet owners might share when it comes to spaying or neutering their pets. Here is a look at what you should probably want to know, before, during, and after the procedure.

Is It Safe?

In a word, yes. Like any surgical procedure, it isn't without risk but our veterinarians will help ensure a safe and seamless process.

How Do I Care for My Pet Afterward?

A small amount aftercare is required following having your pet spayed or neutered. In the initial day after the procedure, don't worry about your pet eating or drinking and be sure to keep him in a comfortable, quiet, and clean area. Last, but not least, be sure to keep an eye on the incision for redness or swelling - and don't allow him to lick the incision site.

Will My Pet Be Different after Spaying or Neutering?

Yes, and no. Yes, your pet will be less aggressive and impulsive, but no, his general personality will not change. In many cases, there will be an adjustment period, but in general, the biggest difference is your pet will go from being more wild to being more domesticated.

Get Spaying, Neutering, and Vet Care from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Hospital

If you are a pet owner and live in the Durham, NC, area, our pet-friendly and professional staff at the New Hope Animal Hospital can help with your pet care concerns. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment today. Call us at (919) 490-2000 for spaying, neutering, and vet care from a veterinarian near you at our animal hospital.

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