Pet Vaccinations Save Lives

The Truth Behind Common Pet Vaccine Myths

Is your pet protected against serious illnesses? Our Durham veterinarian is frequently asked whether pet vaccines are necessary and effective. Our Chapel Hill veterinary hospital strongly believes that prevention is the best medicine. Durham pet vaccinations are an important part of any wellness program. Heres the truth behind four common vaccination myths.

Why Pet Vaccinations Matter

Myth: My cat stays inside; she doesnt need vaccinations.

Chapel Hill veterinarian advises on pet vaccinations

Truth: Even indoor pets need core vaccinations. Rabid animals like bats have been known to enter attics. If the bat gets lose in the house and bites your unvaccinated cat, your cat may become ill. Worse, if your cat bites a family member, the law requires that your cat be put down for testing. This is a tragic death that could easily be avoided if your pet were vaccinated.

Myth: Annual vaccination boosters are not necessary.

Truth: Just like with humans, pets need regular boosters to maintain full immunization protection. The vaccines that your pet needs depend on his or her lifestyle. If your dog frequents dog parks, grooming salons or dog boarding facilities, regular updates to core vaccines and kennel cough are essential. Even your indoor cat needs annual boosters if you take her to cat boarding.

Myth: Puppies and kittens are naturally protected from disease; they dont need shots.

Truth: As long as puppies and kittens are nursing, they are protected from disease thanks to their mothers breast milk. Once young animals are weaned, however, they are vulnerable to many deadly diseases. For example, parvovirus is particularly deadly and expensive to treat in puppies. Kittens and puppies need regular shots from the time they are weaned until 16-20 weeks of age when their immune systems are fully developed.

Myth: Pet vaccines are too expensive.

Truth: Vaccines cost very little and are far less expensive than vet care at a Chapel Hill emergency animal hospital.

Do you have questions about your pets vaccinations?

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