Halloween Pet Costume Fun and Safety

Halloween Pet Costume Fun and Safety

Happy Halloween at New HopeNew Hope Animal Hospital would like to wish you and your pet a safe and happy Halloween this season. Many pet parents dress up their pets for Halloween, take pictures for social media and make their furry family members part of the holiday, which is perfectly safe if you choose the right costume and treats for your pet.

Halloween Costume Fun with Your Pet

The first step to having a great Halloween with your pet is choosing the right costume. Make sure to choose costumes that do not contain small or loose parts that could be chewed off and swallowed by your pet. Measure your pet to ensure the costume you choose will fit correctly. Many pet costume manufacturers create costumes for specific breeds and sizes of cats and dogs.

You should also choose costumes that leave your pet’s backend open. This allows your cat or dog to use the bathroom freely without making a mess of the costume. Lastly, you should acclimate your pet to wearing clothes and his or her costume before Halloween. This ensures your pet likes the costume and will wear it without becoming agitated. If your pet does not like wearing clothes or the costume, do not force your pet to wear it.

Pet Friendly Halloween Treats

To keep your pet safe this Halloween, make sure he or she cannot reach any candy or chocolate. Treats containing chocolate, nuts, raisins or caffeine can make your pet very sick. There are several websites that offer pet friendly recipes for dogs and cats, including Global Animal.

In addition, you can purchase cat and dog biscuits, treats and toys from your local pet store and include them in your Halloween festivities by feeding them to your pet and handing them out to trick or treaters with pets.

What is your pet dressing up as for Halloween this year? We would love to see pictures of your pet dressed for Halloween, so feel free to send us your favorite scary pet pictures.

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