Importance of Pet Dental

Importance of Pet Dental

Pet dental services from our veterinarians in the Durham Chapel Hill area aim to prevent oral health disease. At New Hope Animal Hospital we recognize that you may have questions and we offer the tools to insure you feel comfortable with your pet's dental care.

What to Expect During Pet Dental Cleaning

At the initial exam, you are free to ask questions about the process of a professional cleaning.  We may gently open your pet's mouth and lift their lips to look at their teeth. During the dental cleaning, the veterinarian will perform a more thorough oral exam to check your pet's teeth and gums, using a probe to check gingival health.

Prior to anesthesia we may take blood to insure your pet is healthy enough for anesthesia during the cleaning. If we have concerns based on the results, we will discuss them with you prior to anesthesia. We may also suggest dental x-rays if we have concerns about individual teeth during the dental cleaning.

Why Get Teeth Cleaning in Chapel Hill?

The reasons you want to get teeth cleaning for your pets in Chapel Hill and Durham relates to long-term health. When your pet does not have regular cleanings, he or she has a higher risk of periodontal disease. The condition, which is also called gum disease, impacts most adult dogs. Routine cleanings will help reduce the risk of periodontal disease as well as other oral health concerns.

A secondary reason to consider a professional cleaning is your pet's oral hygiene. Regular cleanings help limit bad breath. It also allows our veterinarians to teach pet owners about hygiene solutions based on a pet's specific needs and their risks.

Schedule an Appointment

Your pet's teeth and gums are an essential part of their health. By performing regular cleanings, you can prevent your pet from facing gum disease or other conditions. To learn more about our dental care services or the types of dental treatments your pets may need at different stages of their lives, call (919) 490-2000 today.

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